How to Do Self Care Based On Plants: 10 Tips for a More Holistic Life

This post shows you how plant care is self care!

The worst part of my day used to be right after I woke up.

Blindly searching my bed for my phone to flip open my favorite social media app. To look for what? It was never anything important.

It was the same routine. Triggering political posts. Trauma dumping. The battle of the sexes. Do you know how horrible it feels to have your morning high-jacked by content you won’t even remember a few days, let alone, a few hours from now?

I knew I had to make a change. Surprisingly, after spending just 10 minutes in my garden in the morning, I’ve noticed a difference in the progression of my day and how I feel overall.

Right now, I am teaming up with my mom to grow herbs and veggies this Spring. I just feel like we are in some strange times, but I’m finding peace through all the chaos.

As I’ve perfected a morning routine, I’m reminded plant care is self care. It was time for me to start taking better care of myself and I want to share some of my favorite tips inspired by nature!

14 Essential Self-Care Lessons I’ve Learned As a Plant Enthusiast

#1 Drinking Water First Thing in the Morning is Crucial

Water is the flowing source of life. As I’ve experimented with hydroponics lately, I’m still amazed at how certain plants can grow and thrive in nothing but water!

It is essential to their well-being same as us. I think of myself as a peace lily. They wilt and can be a bit dramatic when thirsty. When I don’t have water, I immediately notice the effects through my hair and skin.

When I check on my plants, it’s a reminder for me to drink a full glass to rejuvenate as well.

Self-Care Tips:

  • Drink herbal tea first thing in the morning to get in your daily water intake.
  • Fruit and smoothies are my favorite way to supplement water throughout the day.

#2 Eat More of the “Right” Stuff

When I was in a funk, I found myself eating the most terrible processed foods or worse, not eating meals at all.

But having a mini-garden has changed my eating patterns.

I look forward to growing leafy greens, which are pretty easy to grow in shade or cooler temperatures, and adding them to salads and other meals.

Lately, my favorite is adding blue dwarf kale to Asian ramen noodles and eggs. It is full of antioxidants, it’s plentiful, and has the perfect crunch.

Grow Tips:

  • Grow greens like spinach, kale, lettuce, and chard for fresh salad ingredients and a boost of anti-inflammatory nutrients.

#3 You Can’t Survive and Thrive Without Community

Have you noticed that plants always seem to grow when they are in closer proximity together?

Whether it’s a group of plants to increase humidity or flowers rooting together, they always thrive when surrounded by their counterparts.

I know so many of us are on our phones, and social media gives the illusion of interacting with others but it’s still a screen and a form of isolation.

It’s important to connect in real life, and I think a community garden is the perfect activity to do that.

Gardening is therapeutic and increases empathy so it’s likely you’ll find at least one or two people you might consider “your tribe.”

I enjoy gardening with my mother on our back porch as an activity where we are both learning.

Having family or friends to share memories and experiences over the small things is what makes life meaningful.

Community Tips:

  • Join a club through a library, nursery, or community center to connect and bond with other plant enthusiasts.
  • If you are growing food on a balcony or patio, offer extra harvest to a next-door neighbor.

#4 Sunlight Recharges You When You’re Drained

I crave the sun. Whenever I am in a bad mood during work, it’s usually because I haven’t stepped outside. I’m like a battery, the sun gives me energy.

When it’s 100 degrees outside, I am the one running to the beach to lay out. I love being sunkissed, I glow all over!

But often the sun isn’t enough. Women with melanin should also supplement with Vitamin D which I have incorporated into my routine.

Mood-Booster Tip:

Spend at least 10 minutes every day outside and in the sun for a boost of natural energy.

#5 Always Be Present and Gentle With Yourself

I remember last weekend I was repotting a pink polka-dot plant the other day and the roots were so matted and tangled.

My first instinct was to rip them out and cut them off but I didn’t. It reminded me of moments tending to my crown of hair on wash days. And a reminder to always be gentle with yourself.

As a 4c girly, I don’t ever do my hair when I’m tired or angry. Only with delicacy and love and I handle my plants the same. Roots are our foundation of life.

#6 You’re Resilient But You Need Rest Too

I love that my plants depend on me and give me a reason to wake up from bed in the morning.

And you don’t have to have an entire collection, just one plant can change the difference.

You can grow from seed and watch it grow.

#7 Too Much of Anything is Not a Good Thing

I stopped doom scrolling and watching the news every day as it’s just too much stimulation.

Too much of anything will put you out of balance, even the good stuff.

For example, vegetable plants need nutrients to grow, but too much nitrogen and you have foliage but no fruit.

Feed it too much potassium, and you don’t have enough nutrients for lush and green leaves to make the photosynthesis for the fruit.

Balance is the answer. And believe me, God knows we’ll never get it right every time, no one is perfect. But emotional, mental, and physical regulation is key.

Self-Care Tips:

  • Limit screen time to focus on more productive activities or personal hobbies.
  • Have an outlet for emotional regulation through creative projects!

#8 Prune Your Environment On the Regular

Pruning plants is essential. It protects the plant from pests and diseases and keeps it flourishing all season.

You should routinely check to pull up weeds, cut off dead leaves, and remove spent flowers.

The same goes for real life. Check your circle regularly. Remove toxic relationships to make space for new ones.

Get rid of old baggage that is dragging you down to make space for the people, places, and life truly aligned with you!

#9 Adapt to Your Surroundings

I’m more present and aware that life is always happening around me even when I’m asleep.

The constant mind racing of worries and wants to come seems so minimal. I’m just a speckle in a world that moves fast.

Problems that seem so big, seem miniscule in the scope of the universe.

#10 Although It’s Uncomfortable, Always Be in a State of Flow

Living in Florida is interesting.

You have these gorgeous beaches with waves constantly crashing against the sand. Some days are rougher than others but the ocean is always full of aquatic marine life.

Then there are the marshes. The ones so pungent, you can smell the water before you even see it. It’s stagnant and it stank. Full of overgrown bacteria. Suffocating.

That’s nature’s reminder telling you to never stay in one place for too long. Not physically but in a life sense.

Always stay curious and learning. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Because the world doesn’t stop!

And neither should you.

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This Post Has Shown You How Plant Care is Self Care!

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